Get Started

This section will need to setup your environment to run Super Store Location project.

Install instructions

Super Store Location was build on React Native framework. To run Super Store Location , you need to install React Native framework is a library that builds up upon react and Javascript and allows you to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android.

that run natively on these devices and how we can get started.

Video guide

Video installing instructions section for more detail:

1. Installing

In order to setup for React Native template you should connect to the internet and install dependencies library.

this is important, please make sure you have already setup your environment. Node & NPM installation this package globally on your machine.

Install node and npm: Download it from here.

node --version
npm --version

and run the simulator mobile iOs or Android base on this guide, it will help to started with installing your first application with React Native apps.

I recommend the official Doc's.

Next, place the downloaded code from codecanyon in some place on your computer. Desktop or Downloads is not the preferred place.

In the folder "My Mobile Application" you have one zip file.

Extract the file project source code from Code Canyon to your workspace.

Open this folder project in the terminal / command line,

cd /MyMobileApplication/storeLocator

run the command and run the following command:

npm insatll


yarn install

This will install all the required modules for your app.

2. Prepare device

Connect your mobile device to your machine. and run the following command:

adb devices

3. Build & Run

You could use the following command line to build and run the app on Android:

react-natve run-android

and for iOS platform:

 react-natve run-ios

The server start, run the following command:

yarn start

A running server for get live updates and for your app to continue running in development mode example picture

results matching ""

    No results matching ""